Tarot Guidebook Editing & Inclusivity


In the world of Tarot, a deck and its guidebook stand as twin pillars – one visual, the other textual. As Coleman Stevenson sought to release the 5th edition of her beloved Dark Exact Tarot Deck, she faced the task of ensuring her expanded guidebook not only upheld its brand essence but also championed inclusivity and seamless integration of old and new content.


  • Branding and Cohesiveness: I dove deep into the soul of the Dark Exact brand, editing new additions to harmonize with the preexisting narrative and structure.

  • Multifaceted Editing: From line editing to proofreading, I ensured the text was not only error-free but also fluid and engaging.

  • Championing Inclusivity: I reviewed the content to ensure it was both gender and sensory inclusive, demonstrating a commitment to modern-day values and ensuring the text resonated with a wider audience.


The release of the Dark Exact Tarot Guide Expanded Edition was met with appreciation from readers who found it not only in line with the Dark Exact brand but also refreshing in its inclusivity. As an editor, it was a proud moment to see a cultural and spiritual text align with contemporary values, all while maintaining its core essence.

  • Images and text created by Coleman Stevenson. Explore her Tarot deck and check out her classes and insights @darkexact.

  • Content edited by Meg Wren at Wren Ink.